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Santa Clara Calls on Residents to Join Redistricting Commission

Become a leader in your community and join the Independent Redistricting Commission to be a part of a public process to adopt a new City Council District election map based on 2020 U.S. Census data.


About the Independent Redistricting Commission

Redistricting occurs every 10 years after each U.S. Census. Santa Clara is required to update the boundaries of its six districts based on the new 2020 U. S. Census data.


The role of the Commission is to adopt a new City Council District map by no later than April 17, 2022. The Commission will hold a series of at least four required public hearings.

  • The Commission will be comprised up to 7 members and one alternate.
    •  Ideally, a 7-member commission comprised of one member from each district and one at-large.
  • If there is a shortage of qualified applicants, the City will prioritize filling 7 commissioners, then 5, then 3.
  • Select 1 alternate member in the case of a resignation.
  • Commission members will be selected via random draw.
  • Commissioners will receive a stipend of $50 (USD) per each publicly noticed meeting.


For More Information and How To Apply

The application will be available July 23 and will close by 5 p.m. on August 13.

Visit for all the details.


1 Comment
  1. Ed Richards 3 years ago

    I wonder why the City is having problems recruiting for this committee. My guess, don’t want named linked to City shenanigans, fear of being named in a law suit by Brian Doyle or Lisa Gilmoor, $50.00 is foolish in that other commissions do not get paid.

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