The Silicon Valley Voice

Power To Your Voice

Milestones: Who Do You Believe?

Who’s telling the truth?

You are bombarded with stories, details, accusations, rumors and event interpretations. Who’s right and how do you know who is being honest?

If you are thinking about the bruising battle between the Democrats and Republicans scrapping it out in Washington, that would be a natural thought.

Suds Jain_Ad_Image.

However, the search for truth, honesty and integrity has been going on for years now, right here in Santa Clara.

We have a Council majority carrying out Mayor Lisa Gillmor’s agenda, which the Mercury News called a “scorched earth policy.”

The Council minority is usually on the losing end of decisions that have been at the center of our City’s total dismemberment.

We have become a City divided.

If you are a Gillmorite, you must be pleased with the lawsuits, upheaval and chaos.

If you are solely concerned about doing right, you are probably just shaking your head.

Bad decisions are usually made by bad people.

Instead of simply shaking your head, sit down for a minute and evaluate the results of our City leadership.

It all started a few years ago prior to election time. You remember the intensive Measure J audit the Mayor launched? That was the audit that was designed to rip the cover off all the dirty deals, money laundering and illegal and nefarious activities the 49ers and stadium management company was carrying on.

The Mayor had interviews with media outlets stating how the audit was going to unwrap and make public all these activities.

The audit hype turned out to be…well…just hype. No wrongdoing, no money laundering, no dirty deals were uncovered. The audit went quietly into the “election” file, right next to the “allegations” folder.

To keep the ball rolling, the Council majority attacked the Chamber of Commerce that was managing the Convention Center. They had just turned in a $2.2 MILLION profit to the City.

Another audit. However, this time the Mayor learned from her failed audit against the 49ers. She and City Manager Deanna Santana hired a former associate of Santana’s who delivered a suspect audit with inflammatory accusations. Wham! The verdict came down without due process, the Chamber was found guilty on all charges and removed.

The only difference between the 49ers and the Chamber, was a few billion dollars. The Chamber couldn’t afford to sue the City. The 49ers have now sued the City six times. The latest action against the City alleges that the City has not paid their share of stadium costs which is now in the $MILLIONS.

The one thing the Chamber and the 49ers have in common; the City has paid neither of them the money they are due. Oh, that’s right, we hear that the City is doing another audit on the Chamber.

Who’s right?

Your call.

Kelly Clerk_Ad_Image.
Kevin Park Ad_Image.

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