The Silicon Valley Voice

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Looking Back – Week of February 19

100 Years Ago: Santa Clara News (February 17, 1914)

  • Commercial League to Prepare Santa Clara for 1915 Panama-Pacific Exhibition
  • Santa Clara to Mayors and Boosters: Visitors Invited to Inspect City’s Many Attractions and Will be Guests at Commercial League Luncheon
  • Official Opening of New City Hall Mark of Progress: Prosperity Smiles on City
  • Millions to be Spent for Railroad Improvements by Southern Pacific Company: Proposed Plans Include Modern Depot for City
  • Tonight: Cherry Carnival Benefit at Santa Clara Theater: See Santa Clara in the Movies: Admission 10 Cents

50 Years Ago: Santa Clara Journal (February 19, 1964)

  • Loose Dog Brings Threat of $4000 Fine, Jail: Leash Law Violation
  • Another Assessment District “Hot Potato”: Street Protests Hit Councilmen
  • West Valley Junior College District Okays Classes: Hopes for ‘Yes’ Bond Vote
  • February 29th Dedication Rites at New City Hall Expected to Draw Thousands
  • Marriage Lecture Series Offered by Santa Clara University: Love’s Not Easy Says Jesuit Priest
  • Crossing Guard Tony Tabash 75th Birthday Party Attended by Hundreds of Bowers School Pupils

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