The Silicon Valley Voice

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Looking Back February 2017

Week of February 15th Headlines

100 Years Ago: Santa Clara News (February 14, 1917)

  • Mass Meeting for ‘Greater Santa Clara’ on Feb. 21: Discussion of Plans for Future Development of Town
  • Millionaire Auto Driver, Mining Man J.G. Potson, is Jailed for Joy Riding
  • Good Roads Mass Meeting Enthusiastic Event: Value of Improved Highways Extolled
  • Safe Blown Up: Watchman & Employees Tied-up in San Jose Railroad Co. Robbery: Three Masked Men Steal $800
  • Native Son Leaves for War Zone: Oscar Durrell to Serve as Assistant Engineer for American Steamship Minnesota Carrying 5000 Barrels of California Wine
  • Hundreds Attend Classes at San Jose Night School
  • Constable Lyle of Santa Clara Arrests Crooks Stealing Auto Tires
  • Santa Clarans Open Modern Garage with Latest Machinery: J.L. Truax & E.S. Drew Establish T.&D. Garage Here

50 Years Ago: Santa Clara Journal & News (February 15, 1967)

  • City Council Schedules Special Election for April With Four Propositions Pertaining to Council Salaries, Travel Expenses, and Utilities Fund: But Proposal to Set Minimum Qualifications for Police Chief Axed, 4-2
  • City Council Favors Second Urban Renewal Project: Endorses Federally Financed Study
  • Santa Clara Continuation High Renamed Valley High School by SCUSD Board: Students Suggested Name in Honor of Church of the Valley at 400 N. Winchester
  • Bill Olivo, 2361 Sutter Ave., To Show ‘Grand’ Car: Has Spent $15,000 for Car and Motorcycle Entered in Grand National Roadster Show in Oakland
  • Big Parade & Many Activities for Crime Prevention Week: TV ‘Lawman’ Star John Russell to Ride in Saturday Posse: Former Boxing Champ Archie Moore in Parade and Will Attend Boxing Exhibition at Townsend Field: Other Activities at Townsend Field: Al Capone Era Antique Cars on Display and Police Dog Training Show
  • World Girl Scouts Unite!: February is International Month for Santa Clara County Girl Scouts: Exchange with India Planned

(compiled by Mary Hanel, Historic Preservation Society of Santa Clara)


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