The Silicon Valley Voice

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Looking Back April 2017

Week of April 12th Headlines

100 Years Ago: Santa Clara News (April 11, 1917)

  • Loyalty Parade Will be Notable Event: Loyalty Committee Requests that Santa Clarans Hold Patriotic Demonstration of Allegiance to Flag
  • Great Opportunity for Men Who Enlist: Skilled Men are Now in Demand
  • Recruiting Party to be Here Today: Postmasters are Now Legally Constituted Recruiting Agents for the Military
  • Governor William Stephens Sends Letter of Thanks for Valuable Support in Dealing with Grave Problems Facing Country
  • Santa Clara Chamber of Commerce Joins in Asking State Legislature to Appropriate at Least $1 Million for National Guard
  • Money in Banks is Safe as Ever: Bank of Italy Assures Subjects of Foreign Countries that Their Money Will Not be Seized
  • High Price Paid for Prunes

50 Years Ago: Santa Clara Journal & News (April 12,1967)

  • Sixth Graders Up in Air: Should 6th Graders be in Elementary or Intermediate School?: SCUSD Board of Education Decides to Convert Agnew School to an Intermediate School with 6th, 7th and 8th Graders
  • Four Seek Seats on SCUSD Board of Education: Victor Camacho, Charles Roberts, William Wilson, Sr. and Irving Wilcox
  • John Maley Dies in Fire (at 656 Gianini Drive)
  • Assemblyman John Vasconcellos Says School Textbooks Need Updating to Reflect Rapid Changes in Knowledge and Curriculum Technology
  • Vanguards March on Santa Clara Scene: Newly Formed Group Has Already Come Home Victorious after First Competition in San Francisco St. Patrick’s Day Parade
  • Tops in World Coming Here: Santa Clara Swim Club to Host Big Meet in July: First International Swim Competition in City’s New Pool

(compiled by Mary Hanel, Historic Preservation Society of Santa Clara)


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