The Silicon Valley Voice

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Looking Back

Week of December 13th Headlines


100 Years Ago: Santa Clara News (December 14, 1917)

*Buy War Saving Stamps


*This is the Time to Plant Sweet Peas

*Price of Sugar Still Going Up

*Should Santa Clara Go Dry?: Saloon Question Up to Town Board of Trustees: Petitions Being Presented from Both Saloon Keepers and Temperance People

*Red Cross Xmas Packages on Way to Santa Clara Soldier Boys

*Jesuit Professor J.S. Ricard of Santa Clara University Makes Weather Prediction Based on Sunspots

*Great Pumpkins, Up to 150-pounds, Growing in Santa Clara


50 Years Ago: Santa Clara Journal & News (December 13, 1967)

*SCUSD Board Votes No on Junior Air Force ROTC Program for Peterson High School

*Santa Clara Chamber of Commerce Elects These Nine Directors: Bill Scilacci, Paul Reinker, Warren Rairden, J.E. McDonald, Ross Trigg, Roscoe Jordan, Jr., Thomas Hare,

Joseph Padgett, and Richard Porter

*Thomas Hare to Head Santa Clara’s 1968 ‘March of Dimes’ Campaign

*Councilman William Kiely Says Let Voters Decide if $45 Per Diem is Fair Rate for Councilmen on City Business Trips

*Mario Vasquez of Santa Clara, Representing State-wide American GI Forum, Meeting with President Lyndon Johnson on Problems of the Mexican-American

*’Project Santa’ Seeking Community Support to Brighten Christmas for Needy Families in Santa Clara

*Thomas Road Improvement District Breaks Ground in Santa Clara’s Industrial ‘North of Bayshore’ Area

*Sp. 4 Robert W. Gama of Santa Clara Receives Purple Heart Honors

*Weak Library Lights: Better Lighting Needed in Periodical Section of Central Library


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