The Silicon Valley Voice

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Looking Back

Week of November 22nd Headlines


100 Years Ago: Santa Clara News (November 23, 1917)

*Send Santa Clara Prunes to the Boys at the Front: Tomorrow will be Prune Day in This City: Send Boxes to Your Friends in the East and Boost the Santa Clara Valley


*Prosperity Sweeps the Entire Santa Clara Valley

*Mail Christmas Parcels Early and Often Says Postmaster

*Native Sons of the Golden West Dance this Weekend at Franck Hall: Proceeds Benefit Homeless Children

*Musical Program in Liberty Hall Given by Young People’s Branch of Women’s Christian Temperance Union (W.C.T.U.)

*Railroad Soon to Complete Paving Work to Lower Grade of Tracks from City Limits on The Alameda to Grant and Franklin

*New Bank — Garden City Bank and Trust Company — Opens Doors in City on Monday

*New Agricultural Machine Does Work of Over 100 Men — Able to Set Out Plants


50 Years Ago: Santa Clara Journal & News (November 22, 1967)

*$12 Million Urban Renewal Expected in Downtown Area: Negotiations Underway with Honolulu Developer Clarence T.C. Ching Who is Proposing 150,000-sq. ft. Commercial Development and a 12-story Apartment Building Comprising 400 Units: Designated the ‘Mission Project’ and to be bordered by Benton St. on North, Lafayette St. on East, Liberty St. on South and Jackson St. on West

*’Project Santa’ Underway: Will Benefit Needy Santa Clara Families at Christmastime

*Laurelwood PTA Petitions SCUSD Board for Multi-Use Room with Kitchen Facilities: Without Cafeteria Children Must Eat on Outside Picnic Tables Even in Cold Weather

*City Employees Send Off Yule Gifts to Servicemen in Vietnam

*29 SCUSD Elementary School PTA Groups Back ‘Block Parent’ Plan: One House on Each Block to be Designated as Refuge for Children: Red and Black Window Sign to Mark Safe Houses

*City Settles in Favor of Homeowners Who Want Wall Built to Separate a New Restaurant Parking Lot from Bowers Alley which Borders their Housing Tract


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