The Silicon Valley Voice

Power To Your Voice

July 2012 Calendar

Ongoing – Farmers Market Every Saturday morning The Downtown Santa Clara Farmers Market continues its popular year-round engagement every Saturday from 9 a.m. to 1 p.m. on Jackson Street between Benton and Homestead. Each season brings in new crops of fruits and vegetables. Check out colorful bouquets of cut flowers for your home, or plants for your patio and garden. Call 408-241-1281 for more information.

Ongoing – Did you know Superman was a foster child?
That’s right! And having caring individuals who took him into their home made all the difference! Bill Wilson Center is seeking foster parents for 12 y/o David. Removed from an unsafe home, he’s been through a lot. Needs guidance and love to thrive. Contact 888-922-5437 or to learn more. No obligation informational meetings first Thursday each month, 6-8pm, 1671 The Alameda Suite 201, SJ.

July 13 – 2nd Annual “Celebrate Santa Clara”
Good friends, great music, and delicious food and beverages await you at the Celebrate Santa Clara! Street Dance, presented by the Santa Clara Chamber of Commerce & Convention-Visitors Bureau and Kaiser Permanente. The community event will take place at Franklin Square from 5:30 to 9:30 p.m. and features Koruscant Weekend from Mission College as the opening act, followed by The Spazmatics SF playing popular music. Food from local restaurants and nonprofit organizations will be available for purchase, as well as from the many fine restaurants in the immediate area. To learn more, visit the website


July 13 to 22 – “The Drunkard” – A Melodrama
Santa Clara Players perform a hilarious version of the most famous melodrama ever written. In this classic, love battles liquor for the life and soul of the upstanding hero, Edward Middleton. On the side of love are sweet, innocent Mary and her ever-loving, ever-whining mamma, Mrs. Wilson. Plying the liquor with dastardly intent are cruel, scheming Lawyer Cribbs and his cringing crony, Stickler. In the end, of course, the hero wins out over demon rum and true love triumphs over all. A portion of the ticket sales will be donated to the Triton Museum of Art. Performances are Friday and Saturday nights at 8 p.m. and Sunday afternoons at 2:30 p.m. at the Triton Museum Hall Pavilion, 1511 Warburton. Tickets are $16 with senior and student discounts available. For information visit

July 15 – Concerts in the Park Mission College Symphony – Symphony 2:30 p.m.
The City of Santa Clara’s Concerts in the Park series offers free performances on two Wednesday evenings and seven Sunday afternoons at Central Park Pavilion. The series is sponsored by the City’s Cultural Advisory Commission. For more information, call 615-2210. Central Park is located at 909 Kiely Boulevard (between Homestead Road and Benton Street).

July 16 – Family Fun Night Presented by Santa Clara Library Foundation & Friends
Captain Jack Spareribs will weigh anchor and come ashore at the Central Park Pavilion with an entertaining show featuring juggling, magic, comedy and ventriloquism (with his swarthy talking monkey Maynard). Bring a blanket and picnic dinner and enjoy an evening under the stars with the family. All ages welcome. For more information, contact 408-615-2916. Parking available at the parking lot on Kiely Blvd., directly across from Erik’s Deli Café and Santa Clara Pet Hospital. 7 to 8 p.m.

July 21 – 4th Annual “Valley Day” Community Fair at Church of the Valley
Saturday, July 21, 9:30 a.m. to 3:30 p.m. at the campus of Church of the Valley, 400 N. Winchester Blvd. Freed admission and parking. Activities include live music by The Daryl Patrick Band and The Rhythm District Band, plus vendors, classic car show, bake sale, food vendors, local artisans, handmade crafts, face painting, magician and more. Call 408-248-1050 or visit for more information.


July 22 – Concerts in the Park – Sparkletones – Rock-n-Roll 2:30 p.m.
The City of Santa Clara’s Concerts in the Park series offers free performances on two Wednesday evenings and seven Sunday afternoons at Central Park Pavilion. The City’s Cultural Advisory Commission sponsors the series. For more information, call 615-2210. Central Park is located at 909 Kiely Boulevard (between Homestead Road and Benton Street).

July 24-26 – “Gulliver’s Travels” – Mission City Center for Performing Arts
“Many, many years ago there lived a man named Gulliver. The spirit of adventure burned deeply within him. He longed to sail the seven seas in ships with masts as high as the eye could see”. Join us as we bring this delightful adaptation of the classic Jonathan Swift novel to life in a hilarious and thoughtful musical for all ages. Location: Mission City Center for Performing Arts, 3250 Monroe St, corner of Calabazas. 7/24-26 at 7 p.m. Tix: $8 Adults, $5 Children (ages 18 and younger). For more information, visit

July 28 – Household Hazardous Waste Drop-Off
Safe, easy disposal of household hazardous waste is available for Santa Clara residents at a drop-off event on Sat., July 28, at the City of Santa Clara Street Corporation Yard, 1700 Walsh Ave. Residents must register to attend this event (or any of the drop-off events scheduled throughout the year) by calling the County Household Hazardous Waste Program at 408-299-7300 or registering on-line at

Fluorescent light bulbs and tubes, paint, automotive fluids, cleaners, solvents, batteries, propane, fertilizers, pesticides, wood preservatives, Sharps containers, and other types of household hazardous wastes can be safely disposed of at any of the drop-off events.

The Countywide Household Hazardous Waste Program also accepts electronic waste at select drop-off events throughout the county. Electronic waste (or e-waste) is generally considered items that require a battery or cord to operate, such as televisions, computers, telephones, handheld video games, printers, fax machines, etc.

Items NOT accepted include appliances and white goods (refrigerators, dishwashers, ovens, stoves, washing machines, dryers, microwaves, etc.), ammunition, explosives, reactives, or containers larger than five gallons. Contact the Police Department at 408-615-4700 regarding disposal of prescription medication, ammunition or explosives.

July 29 – Concerts in the Park – Cool Under Pressure – Classic 2:30 p.m.
The City of Santa Clara’s Concerts in the Park series offers free performances on two Wednesday evenings and seven Sunday afternoons at Central Park Pavilion. The series is sponsored by the City’s Cultural Advisory Commission. For more information, call 615-2210. Central Park is located at 909 Kiely Boulevard (between Homestead Road and Benton Street).

August 1 – American Me Comedy at the San Jose Improv Featuring Santa Clara Native Mike Betancourt
Santa Clara Mike Betancourt is excited to return to his hometown area, Betancourt will personally add fans to his guest list if the message him at
Wednesday, August 1, 8 p.m. San Jose Improv, 62 S. 2nd, San Jose.
Also featuring Griffin Daley, Leslie Lang, Bruce Burton, Jason Rogers, Raymond Santos and PX Floro-Carrasco. 18+ show, ID required.
Visit for more information and tickets.
Visit to read a full story on Betancourt.

August 3 – Franklin Square Street Dance
The Franklin Square Street Dance, featuring the 10-piece Rock & Soul band Silicon Valley Houserockers, will be held 7 to 9:30 p.m. on Jackson Street between Homestead Road and Benton Street. Admission and parking are free. Refreshments will be available for purchase, or start the evening with an early dinner at a Franklin Square restaurant. The City’s Cultural Advisory Commission sponsors the event. For more information, call 408-615-2210.

August 5 – Concerts in the Park – Sidesaddle & Co. – Bluegrass 2:30 p.m.
The City of Santa Clara’s Concerts in the Park series offers free performances on two Wednesday evenings and seven Sunday afternoons at Central Park Pavilion. The series is sponsored by the City’s Cultural Advisory Commission. For more information, call 615-2210. Central Park is located at 909 Kiely Boulevard (between Homestead Road and Benton Street).

August 7 – National Night Out
The 29th Annual National Night Out program will run from 6 to 8:30 p.m. in neighborhoods throughout Santa Clara. Residents are asked to lock their doors, turn on the outside lights and spend the evening outside with neighbors and police to promote neighborhoods united against crime. Neighborhood events can be casual and informal such as a potluck or ice cream social, more elaborate activities including closing off a block for a street party. (A petition needs to be signed by all neighbors affected by the street closure and turned into the City’s Business License Department at least three weeks before the event). For more information, contact Rachel Thomas in the Community Services Unit of the Police Department at 408-615-4876 or by email at

August 11 – SVACA Summer Adopt-a-thon
A summer Adopt-a-thon on Sat., Aug. 11, from 11 a.m. to 5 p.m. will introduce homeless cats, dogs and other animals that are ready to join a new family. The event takes place at the Silicon Valley Animal Control Authority (SVACA) Animal Care Center, 3370 Thomas Rd. The Animal Care Center is a state-of-the-art, cageless facility that has programs that care for aggressive, sick, injured and feral animals as well as those who are lost or abandoned. Its success relies on community support including volunteers, foster parents and donors who help to cover the costs of specialized veterinary care and additional comfort for animals. To learn more about how to volunteer or make a donation, visit the website or call 408-764-0344. Tax deductible donations may also be mailed to SVACA Animal Assistance Fund, 3370 Thomas Rd., Santa Clara CA 95054. SVACA is a joint powers authority that provides animal care and control services to the cities of Santa Clara, Campbell and Monte Sereno. In addition to the Animal Care Center, it handles reports of animal abuse and animal licensing and offers low cost spay and neuter services.

August 11 – City-Wide Garage Sale
Residents throughout the City are encouraged to hold garage sales on this date. The City-Wide Garage Sale will be advertised in the July 2012 Mission City Scenes, on Cable Channel 15, and on the City and various other websites. Online registration of garage sales (individual, multi-family, or block) will be accepted July 9 through noon on Fri., Aug. 10. The City-Wide Garage Sale map will include a list of addresses holding garage sales as well as a brief list of the items for sale at each address. The map will be available for downloading beginning Aug. 1, and updated regularly until noon on Aug. 10. For information, call 408-615-3080.

August 11 – Harris-Lass Museum Rummage Sale
The Harris-Lass Museum lawns and parking lot at 1889 Market St. will be the venue for a “neighborhood-style” rummage sale from 8 a.m. to 2 p.m. The Museum will sell overstocked, marked down, and final clearance items from the Tankhouse Gift Shop at rock bottom prices. Neighbors, Santa Clara residents, and others are invited to rent a table for $10 per person to sell their own handicrafts or white elephant and rummage items. If interested, contact the Museum’s Treasurer, Sue at 408-984-8071.

August 12 – Concerts in the Park – The 357’s – Classic/Pop Rock 2:30 p.m.
The City of Santa Clara’s Concerts in the Park series offers free performances on two Wednesday evenings and seven Sunday afternoons at Central Park Pavilion. The series is sponsored by the City’s Cultural Advisory Commission. For more information, call 615-2210. Central Park is located at 909 Kiely Boulevard (between Homestead Road and Benton Street)

August 17 – PAL Golf Tournament
The 35th annual PAL Golf Tournament will be held at the Santa Clara Golf & Tennis Club. Registration begins at 10 a.m. and a fundraiser dinner follows at the Santa Clara Hilton beginning at 6 p.m. Proceeds will purchase equipment, uniforms, insurance and the PAL scholarship fund for children in Santa Clara. For information, visit the website

August 19 – Concerts in the Park – Daze on the Green – Classic & 80’s Rock 2:30 p.m.
The City of Santa Clara’s Concerts in the Park series offers free performances on two Wednesday evenings and seven Sunday afternoons at Central Park Pavilion. The series is sponsored by the City’s Cultural Advisory Commission. For more information, call 615-2210. Central Park is located at 909 Kiely Boulevard (between Homestead Road and Benton Street).

August 28 – Allergy Relief the Natural Way
Both environmental and food allergies can affect our immune function, and trigger uncomfortable reactions such as hay fever, eczema, digestive problems, migraines, and even autoimmune conditions. Join naturopathic Dr. Lena Kian to learn about natural approaches to allergic related conditions. Sign up at the Central park Library reference desk or call 408-615-2900.  Walk-ins welcome. 6 to 7:30 p.m. at the Central park Library Cedar Room.

August 29 – Ice Cream Social
The annual Senior Center Ice Cream Social will feature ice cream and a variety of toppings for seniors to create their favorite sundaes, plus a cake celebrating 40 years of operation of the Santa Clara Senior Center. The fun begins at 1 p.m. at 1303 Fremont St. Price is $1 for Santa Clara seniors, $2 for others.

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