Norma Trowbridge Vuckan will be 100 years old on Dec. 13. She attributes her longevity to exercise, walking, eating sparingly of simple foods — salads and soups, and luck....
Life Announcements
Born November 25th 1918. First child of Saliam S. Fatuch and Virginia Herrera Fatuch, Brothers Said, Oscar, Emilio, Joseph and Hector. From...
The life of Larry Marsalli, who died last summer at the age of 92, was an illustration of Jesus’ admonition that, “he...
Our beloved Aunt Edie, 95, passed peacefully after a short illness. Born in New York to Frank and Maria Bambino, she was...
Lawrence “Larry” Marsalli, one of Santa Clara’s most beloved patriarchs, died Monday at the age of 92. A lifelong Santa Claran, Marsalli...
Life Announcements
Young Change Enablers Perform in Bye-Bye Kids’ Cancer Talent Show at Santana Row
“We shall overcome….We shall live in peace, someday, someday,” sang 10 Kindergarten through 5th graders from Don Callejon Elementary School, Santa Clara,...
Life Announcements
Why The Housing Crisis Will Continue and Santa Clara’s Old Boys Machine Will Stay in Control
Now that SB 827—the bill that would have overruled local zoning controls on placing housing development within a certain distance of ferry...
Life Announcements
Katherine Hughes School Scores $10,000 Touchdown From 2019 College Football Playoffs
Earlier this month Santa Clara Unified’s Katherine Hughes elementary school received the area’s first benefit from the College Football Playoffs (CFP) championship...
Week of April 25th Headlines 100 Years Ago: Santa Clara News (April 26, 1918) *Some Very Big Trees: Three Immense Trees...
Santa Clarans have an exciting opportunity in June, to vote whether to switch to electing the City Council using proportional representation (PR)....