The Silicon Valley Voice

Power To Your Voice

Car Parade Against Proposition 16 Winds Through Sunnyvale

A line of cars snaked out of the parking lot at Cupertino’s City Hall and wound their way through city streets into Sunnyvale on July 3. The car parade was arranged by a group of South Bay community members against Proposition 16.

“We are afraid that we are going to lose that equal opportunity, equal chance in California. It’s very upsetting,” said Ava Li. “We feel like as a society everybody is going to lose. I think this is going to hurt everybody. Regardless where you came from; regardless of your gender, your race, your home country.”

“We need to emphasize the equal rights. I think it’s not good to put the quota according to the different race,” said Vanessa Su.


Proposition 16 is a proposal on the November ballot designed to repeal Proposition 209. Proposition 209 was passed in 1996. It changed the state constitution to bar discrimination based on race, sex, color, ethnicity or national origin.

Proponents of Proposition 16 say Proposition 209 did not do what it was meant to do and it’s hurt Californians.

“While it was sold as a civil rights law when it passed in 1996, Proposition 209 has cost women- and minority-owned businesses $1.1 billion each year, perpetuated a wage gap wherein women make 80 cents on every dollar made by men, and allowed discriminatory hiring and contracting practices to continue unhindered,” said Assemblymember Shirley N. Weber, Ph.D. (D-San Diego) who co-authored the bill. “Far from being colorblind, the bill has set up barriers to women and minorities to share in the economic life of California. Proposition 209 has hindered public policy, thwarted opportunity and maintained economic disparity long enough. It’s time to give voters a chance to right this wrong.”

Participants in the July 3 event disagree.

“If you start choosing based on something as superficial as skin color or where your parents came from or your grandparents, there’s no end to it. All it does is divide people,” said Sunnyvale City Councilmember Mike Goldman in a Zoom meeting conducted in conjunction with the event.

“All kids should be equal. I mean, let them compete fairly. Treat them equally based on what they are, how many marks they get, not based on their skin color,” said one participant who did not wish to be named. “I can’t tell [my kids] you work hard, you’ll make it anymore with [Prop 16].”

“People deserve whatever reward through their diligence, not based on race,” said Pin Jun.

Opponents of Proposition 16 face a tough battle in November. The proposition has the support of U.S. Senators Dianne Feinstein (D) and Kamala Harris (D) as well as local U.S. Representative Ro Khanna (D). It is also supported by the University of California Board of Regents.

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  1. Sunnyvale Resident 5 years ago

    The event. video:

    For more:

  2. Yujing 5 years ago

    Say No to Prep 16

    • Drake Beck 5 years ago

      No on Prop 16 is a slap in the face for the progress made by BLM. Prop 16 is an attempt to disenfranchise African-American and Latinos. Yes, Anglos and Asians would benefit from keeping other minority in a state of repression and institutionalized and socio-economic status quo. But please do not characterize this attack on BLM efforts as being for equal rights. It is an attempt to keep status quo and increase the disparity among economic classes and races. You are not fooling those of us who actually have educations and are not racist.

      • Beck Drake 5 years ago

        Correction, No on Prop 16 is an attempt to disenfranchise African-American and Latinos. Yes, Anglos and Asians would benefit from keeping other minority in a state of repression and institutionalized and socio-economic status quo. But please do not characterize this attack on BLM efforts as being for equal rights. It is an attempt to keep status quo and increase the disparity among economic classes and races. You are not fooling those of us who actually have educations and are not racist. No on Prop 16 is a slap in the face for the progress made by BLM.

  3. Tracie 5 years ago

    Prop 16 judges people by their skin.
    Prop 16 is RACIST!
    Say NO to Prop16 for you and for me!

  4. Judith 5 years ago

    Defend constitution
    Denounce discipline
    Defeat Prop16

    • Judith 5 years ago

      Defend constitution
      Denounce discrimination
      Defeat Prop16

  5. Srinivasa 5 years ago

    Prop 16 is against American principle of equal opportunity. Help the communities upto level 12.

  6. Serena 5 years ago

    Prop 16 is against American principle of equal opportunity.
    NO PROP16.

  7. Celina 5 years ago

    Ro Khanna is racist. For vote, he pledged that he will not repeal Prop 209 and now he endorsed ACA5 which will remove Prop 209. These FLIP FLOP we need to remove this November. Please vote for Ritesh Tandon for Congress (

    • Beck Drake 5 years ago

      Prop 16 is an attempt to disenfranchise African-American and Latinos. Yes, Anglos and Asians would benefit from keeping other minority in a state of repression and institutionalized and socio-economic status quo. But please do not characterize this attack on BLM efforts as being for equal rights. It is an attempt to keep status quo and increase the disparity among economic classes and races. You are not fooling those of us who actually have educations and are not racist. No on Prop 16 is a slap in the face for the progress made by BLM.

      • Beck Drake 5 years ago

        Correction, No on Prop 16 is an attempt to disenfranchise African-American and Latinos. Yes, Anglos and Asians would benefit from keeping other minority in a state of repression and institutionalized and socio-economic status quo. But please do not characterize this attack on BLM efforts as being for equal rights. It is an attempt to keep status quo and increase the disparity among economic classes and races. You are not fooling those of us who actually have educations and are not racist. No on Prop 16 is a slap in the face for the progress made by BLM.

  8. Jun 5 years ago

    NO for Prop 16. We need to vote out all below corrupt politicians who voted yes for personal ambition.

    The proposition has the support of U.S. Senators Dianne Feinstein (D) and Kamala Harris (D) as well as local U.S. Representative Ro Khanna (D). It is also supported by the University of California Board of Regents.

  9. Stella 5 years ago

    Don’t legalize discrimination! Fix the broken K-12 education.

  10. Xiaoyi 5 years ago

    Stop legalizing racial discrimination!!!

  11. Selena 5 years ago

    Thank you so much for providing information about the Cupertino Car Rally against Prop16. I think it’s truly amazing to see quiet communities standing together and voicing their opposition. This proves that we live in a free country and everyone is entitled to freedom of speech. Different people from various backgrounds coming together to provide a voice and make our country better. However, I feel sad that with 300+ cars and 600+ participants rallied with signs and horns on major city streets in Cupertino, but no media coverage whatsoever! This makes me wonder what is considered news worthy? This cold treatment only proves how selective/biased the media is on what and who is newsworthy. News for what’s happening with the Asians community often scarce, almost to none. It’s not because nothing is happening but because the media chose not to report them. This NoProp16 group went out and almost the entire city knew saw it, and nothing mentioned on the news! This is the reason why these communities became unnoticed and chose to remain quiet. I hope you continue to follow their upcoming car rally in Fremont this Saturday 7/11 at 11am, in front of Fremont City Hall. People in our communities deserved to know and understand what’s happening in the city, regardless if they support or oppose Prop16. I want to know what’s happening, but didn’t find anything online or on the news…our communities depended on you to bring truth to your readers. I thank you for bringing power to their voice! See you on 7/11 at 11am in front of Fremont City Hall 💕💪👏🇺🇸

  12. Jen Mao 5 years ago

    Prop16 legalizes racism. Absolutely No!

  13. Ritesh Tandon 5 years ago

    This is highly unfair bill, it will make California a socialist state where race, color, and ethnicity would be more important for getting ahead in life, not your merit or inherent capabilities! Is this the American Dream? NO! I strongly oppose Prop 16 Bill. Very sad to see my opponent endorsed such bills.

  14. Kate 5 years ago

    Everybody should be treated the same regardless of race and skin color. Racial preference to some groups means racial discrimination to other groups. Prop 16 and the spirit it represents is a big shame to California. Please vote NO to the racist bill.

  15. Zurica 5 years ago

    Politicians are creating race-based division….which will divide CA. These politicians are playing with the life of our children, we will fight it very hard. Say NO to Prop16. Vote Ritesh Tandon and remove racist Ro Khan!

  16. FSH Yan 5 years ago

    No to Prop. 16

  17. Yusuf Khan 5 years ago

    RI is RIght and RO is wROng and RAcist

  18. Dave 5 years ago

    Defend US constitution: all men are created equal.

    Prop16 gives special treatment to people based on skin color. It is against US constitution. It is not fair. It is bad for all races. It is bad for California!

    Vote NO in Nov election. Check out facts at

  19. alice 5 years ago

    Vote NO on Prop 16!
    Prop 16 is a racist act legalizing government preference based on skin color. It allows government agencies and colleges to select applicants based on skin color, meaning applicants of certain ethnicities will be legally denied an equal fair chance at opportunities. Prop 16 is a big step backward in our society – it will destroy and divide California.

  20. Christine 5 years ago

    People deserve whatever reward through their diligence, not based on race. Say no to prop 16!

  21. Anil Shekhar 5 years ago

    Prop 16 judges people by their skin.
    Prop 16 is RACIST!
    Say NO to Prop16 for you and for me!
    People deserve whatever reward through their hard work, diligence, not based on race or ethnic background. Why do we need to program kids with this thinking at such an young age? This is exactly what we are up against right? Say no to prop 16!

  22. Yusuf Khan 5 years ago

    RItesh is RIght and Ro Khanna is wROng & RAcist by supporting ACA5 (Prop16) bill


  23. Peter Liu 5 years ago

    Keep discrimination illegal

  24. Linda 5 years ago

    No on prop 16!
    Looking forward to the Fremont parade on the 11th!

  25. Jason 5 years ago

    Say No to Prep 16

  26. Ava Li 5 years ago

    Thank you so much Erika for coming to our event and listening to us. We as a community were so saddened and disappointed with this proposition. Proposition 16 (Prop16) will overrun Prop.209 and allow the government to dictate many key aspects of our life based on our color, gender, country of origin, etc. This is not the America many of us risked everything to come for! We are all created equal! We love this country and the opportunities it provides for everyone to strive. We will keep fighting Prop.16. Thanks Erika for your support!

  27. Tony 5 years ago

    Say No to Prop 16! We have to help the disadvantaged but never should be based on skin color. Any selection process that considers skin color is racist. Kids of certain skin color should not be seen as less favored as others

  28. Xiaohua 5 years ago

    Equal opportunity for everyone. No prop 16!

  29. Jane 5 years ago

    Say No to Prop 16!

  30. Lan 5 years ago

    The nation is already deeply divided. The society can’t afford to have another bill which will divide us further, and set us back even more. It’s time to call for unity, not division!

  31. Lenka 5 years ago

    Vote no on Prop 16.

  32. Xiaoshan 5 years ago

    Proposition 209 (1996), which prohibited the state from discriminating against or granting preferential treatment to persons on the basis of race, sex, color, ethnicity, or national origin in public employment, public education, and public contracting.
    Now this prop 16 is trying to repeal prop 209 and judge people by race and gender in name of “equal”, how ironic could it be? California is outstanding only because California rewards people on merit base, not by the skin color nor gender. Absolutely no on prop 16!

  33. allen 5 years ago

    Defend constitution
    Denounce discrimination
    Defeat Prop16

  34. Jessie 5 years ago

    WE came to this country with a dream, an American dream. Everyone in this country shouldl break a lot of people’s dream to pieces. It is strongly unfair and it is racisim!!!!

  35. Lucy 5 years ago

    Prop 16 is racist! Please vote No on Prop 16!

  36. Jianying lang 5 years ago

    No prop16! No racial discrimination!

  37. Ellen 5 years ago

    Race matters?! That called racism! No to prop16!

  38. Shyam C 5 years ago
    Racism is racism, white or black. After George Floyd incident, whole country is in a race to introduce ‘revenge’ racism. California is introducing Racial Discrimination in School Admissions, Govt Jobs and contracts now and eventually private contracts.

    Come out this Nov and Vote No to Prop 16.

  39. Catherine 5 years ago

    No on Prob 16, All kids are equal. Let them compete fairly. Treat them equally based on who they are, not based on their skin color! Skin color based decisions will create mismatches and hurt everyone!

  40. Voter 5 years ago

    Great but preaching the choir here. Any chance the van rolls through CSU East Bay or UC Berkeley? That’s ground zero for where this is going to take place.

    • DD 5 years ago

      Preaching to the choir is right! Y’all Yella ‘round here.

  41. Lin Zhao 5 years ago

    For the campaign against the legalized racial discrimination of #Prop16, you should follow and visit
    Twitter: @CA4equalrights
    Facebook: People v. Prop 16
    Twitter: @ECalifornians
    Facebook: Vote No On Prop16


  42. rolland lin 5 years ago

    if school and job admission are based on race quota, what about other field like doctor, sport player, hollywood actors etc…? if you judge the person by his or her color, you are racism.

  43. Gaurang Desai 5 years ago

    Ca Democrats are trying to hide their failure in improving K-12 education, so they are trying appease by giving quotas. This will tantamount to “Legalized Discrimination”.

    Unfortunately, this will impact African-Americans because they are over represented in government Job.

    I am also unhappy with Ro Khanna as he is also supporting this “Legalized Discrimination”

  44. Mats 5 years ago

    Say NO to prop 16 so everyone works hard and compete well for the opportunity.

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