The Silicon Valley Voice

Power To Your Voice

Annual Conspiracy Theorist Mind-Meld Coming Up

Conspiracists converge on the Santa Clara Marriott ( June 3-5 for Conspiracy Con (, the now-annual colloquium of all things conspiratorial. UFO-ologist and host of the Ground Zero radio talk show host Clyde Lewis provides Saturday night dinner entertainment. The Conspiracy Expo, which runs concurrently with the conference, is free and offers opportunities to purchase, among other things, conspiracy trading cards (

When they’re not arguing that vaccines are a genocidal conspiracy, or that space aliens have subverted the U.S. military, Conspiracy Con visitors are a generally genial crowd who boost city revenues the weekend after Memorial Day every year.

With the 10th anniversary of the September 11 attacks coming up this year, 9-11 figures prominently in this year’s powwow. Seminal 9-11 “truther” Barbara Honeggar will speak, and the conference concludes with a conspiracy roundup, starting with, “9-11: What do we really know from the [truther] Movement? What are its Strengths & Weaknesses? Has it been Compromised?”


Caption: There’s no better way than conspiracy trading cards to instantly remind you what to worry about.

Carolyn’s Conspiracy Cocktails

I, for one, need lubrication to face the paranoia at Conspiracy Con. So here’s my signature conspiracy cocktail:

Conspiracy Gimlet
  • 1 ½ oz. gin
  • ½ oz. fresh lime juice
  • ½ oz sweetened lime juice or syrup
  • Splash of absinthe (or any anise-flavored liquor: Pernod, pastis, anisette, sambucco, Jaegermeister)

Shake well with ice. Can be served straight up or on the rocks. Substituting vodka for gin gives you a False Flag.

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