The Silicon Valley Voice

Power To Your Voice

Above Yellowstone / Not Rated

Each year during the times when PBS is looking for cash they trot out the newest productions they have and use them to get you to watch their long pledge breaks. AY is one of the best ever. I tried calling to give them some money but the line was busy.

I have seen and enjoyed a number of these films including the brilliant Above America and Above California films. The same title with Italy below is also very enjoyable. For the 1st time the helicopter and HD camera has made it above Yellowstone National Park.

What a ride. Not only do you get to visit the park from one of the most scenic angles possible you are in for visits to areas that are not accessible by road that may be the only ways to view these areas of the park.


The production team covers the park from top to bottom and also follows the figure 8 main road loop that is the most popular tour of the park. They also make good use of historic photos and ground level shots that enhance the aerial visuals.

The PBS showings all appear to be in standard definition TV, which means the quality is VHS. Even if the PBS station says it broadcasts in HD, the viewings I have seen are all of lower quality. The show is too good and the scenery way too great to let this be your trip above Yellowstone.

Instead head on over to You can see a HD preview (as long as your computer can display it) and order the DVD for home viewing. It is available in both standard DVD and BluRay versions.

If you are a fan of any of the Above whatever series of documentaries like me, or want to check out Yellowstone in the best home viewer version available, this DVD should be on your must purchase list.

Written and co-Produced by Sam Tyler, beautifully photographed by Brent Sumner with a fine score by Jesse Rhodes, your trip to Yellowstone is on the launch pad. Actor Tim Matheson narrates. I think I will take another look.

Rated 3.5 out of 4.0 reasons this Above documentary is way up there. Above Yellowstone.


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