The Silicon Valley Voice

Power To Your Voice

Week of May 1

100 Years Ago: Santa Clara News (April 29, 1913)
* Town Trustees will widen Franklin St.: Will Purchase Southern Pacific Land for Electric Line to Railway Depot
*Contest for Cherry Festival Queen in Full Swing
* Boosters Show is Huge Success: Large Audience Witnesses Splendid Program by Local Talent at Santa Clara Theatre

50 Years Ago: Santa Clara Journal (May 1, 1963)
*Urban Renewal Deadline Passes: Most Downtowners to Sell: Area is Labeled as ‘Depressed”: 82% of Landowners have Decided to Abandon their Property to Sale rather than Modernize
* Feeding in From Saratoga Avenue: Santa Clara”s 1st One-Way Street Pattern Set for Bellomy-Market Streets
Compiled by Mary Hanel, Local History Librarian Santa Clara City Library


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