The Silicon Valley Voice

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Rotary Club of Santa Clara Announces All-Time Record Donations

The Rotary Club of Santa Clara ( recently announced the in support of local, national, and international service projects, the club contributed an all-time record of over $150,000 for its 2013-2014 fiscal year.

Included in the donations, the club awarded scholarships to five students from Santa Clara High School, Wilcox High School and New Valley High School in the Santa Clara Unified School District. Each student received $2,000 per year – a total of $20,000.

“Contributions and an exceptional year of service by our club members have benefited numerous projects for young children, students, international projects and other local non-profit organizations,” said Steve Rainbolt, Rotary Club of Santa Clara president.


“Our goal is to make a difference in our community for years to come and to provide tangible evidence that our club really cares about Santa Clara especially our youth and their future. We want future generations to see the value of community service and inspire others to follow in the process of making our town a great place to live,” he added.

The Rotary Club of Santa Clara also hosts the Silicon Valley BBQ Championships (, together with the City of Santa Clara, which is sanctioned by the Kansas City Barbecue Society ( As the club’s biggest fundraiser, the BBQ enables the non-profit organization to support the local community through its many generous projects.

Plans are underway for 2015 Silicon Valley BBQ Championships event to be held June 26 and 27, 2015 at Central Park in Santa Clara. Proceeds will be used to help the club do even more for the Santa Clara community.

The Rotary Club of Santa Clara is active year-round and its projects include: Steps for Success, Christmas for Kids, college scholarships, Enterprise Leadership Conference, Rotary Leadership Conference, Interact and Rotaract clubs, speech contests and special grants awarded to local non-profit organizations.

In addition to making major contributions to benefit the residents of Santa Clara, Rotarians have strongly supported many international projects such as the Rotary goal of global polio eradication.

Rotary Club of Santa Clara Projects and Fundraising Donations 2013-14
Bill Wilson Center
Philippines Typhoon
Marsalli Family Thanksgiving
Triton Museum Family Art Day
Mission City Community Fund
Optimist Bike Safety Program
Charter Two Cub Scout Packs
Mission City Library
Christmas dinner
Heart of the Valley Services for Seniors
JW House
San Jose Downtown Rotary Centennial Play garden project
Northwest YMCA
St. Justin’s Girl Scouts garden project
Santa Clara High School Student body Crab Feed
Santa Clara High School and Wilcox High School Grad Nights
Royal Family Kids Camp
Cystic Fibrosis Research
Wounded Warriors Project

About The Rotary Club of Santa Clara
The Rotary Club of Santa Clara, established in 1936, is dedicated to serving the local and world community. Composed of business and community leaders, the club designs its many projects to be concrete examples of the motto of “Service Above Self.”

Rotary brings together a global network of volunteer leaders dedicated to tackling the world’s most pressing humanitarian challenges. Rotary connects 1.2 million members of more than 34,000 Rotary clubs in over 200 countries and geographical areas. Their work impacts lives at both the local and international levels, from helping families in need in their own communities to working toward a polio-free world.


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