Proposed Childcare Facilities – Letter to the Editor

Dear Editor,

My letter to you addresses the two commercial childcare facilities that are being proposed to start up at 1) 1500 Los Padres Blvd, Santa Clara, CA and 2) 2280 El Camin Real, Santa Clara, CA. These two proposed businesses will be literally one block from each other in an area that is already inundated with traffic and transients who frequent the area of Los Padres Blvd and El Camino Real daily.

Both locations already have minimal parking as it is and where are these employees and families of day care children going to park during business hours. More street parking slots from the adjoining neighborhood that will be taken away from the residents that use them on a daily basis. 


Just look at what they have done with the parking lot at the 1500 Los Padres Blvd location. Part of it (facing Los Padres Blvd) has been fenced off for what appears to be a playground for children. What used to be an “exit” driveway facing Anna Drive has also been partially fenced off for apparently the same reason. What would be the entry and exit strategies for emergency response vehicles if you technically only have one main driveway (Los Padres Blvd side)?

The parking lot of the 2280 El Camino Real location is literally next to a VTA bus stop and 7-11 convenience market. This is the same 7-11 convenience market that has transients hanging out there daily. There is no playground outdoors and I would assume more parking slots will be lost to accommodate space for that. The 2280 El Camino Real location will do the same thing as the 1500 Los Padres Blvd location and wipe out a bunch of parking slots in exchange for an outdoor playground.

How does the city of Santa Clara determine where a commercial childcare facility can operate and has our city considered the additional traffic, parking, noise, and safety issues that these two proposed projects will create?


Concerned citizen of Santa Clara

Omaha Steaks_Image.

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