Proof Robert Haugh Censors Posts – Letter to the Editor

In my last letter which you printed on Sept. 8th, 2021, I provided proof that Robert Haugh writes some of the anonymous comments on his blog and censors my own comments. I have for years felt that Robert’s posts are extremely biased. He seems to be a desperate man, struggling financially after leaving the Weekly under questionable circumstances. I now have proof that Robert censors posts by people other than me. My friend, K., submitted the following post on Nov. 25th and then again later. This has yet to appear on Robert’s Gillmor-fawning blog (6 days later): “I am trying to understand the issue. Suds Jain wanted to address the noise problem created by the railroad to help Santa Clara residents. He was acting in the best interest of residents of Santa Clara, and against the interests of the railroad. As a home owner who lives near the train station I am glad Suds was addressing this annoying problem. I’ve lived here for nearly 20 years and no other council member before Suds cared.” I even emailed Robert asking why he censored K’s post but he has yet to reply even though he has since allowed other comments on the same blog post. In all these years of posting against me, Robert has never called to interview me though almost every other local news organization has.