Barbie in combat boots – Letter to the Editor

The character Hannah Wells of Netflix’s Designated Survivor is one of Hollywood’s recent feminist idols. At 115 pounds, she is faster, stronger, smarter, more courageous, and a more decisive leader than anybody else not standing in her 4-inch stilettos. In one episode she hurls a 200-pound special forces soldier through a wall. Her FBI supervisor says of her, “She disobeys every order ever given to her.” Is this how women want to memorialize their progress and inspire upcoming generations? Descend into idle and irresponsible fantasy as a substitute for the work necessary to achieve equal pay? Has the feminist mantra descended to “Let’s take a pretty face, have her imitate the worst sins of men and install her as our iconic hero in place of the likes of Abigail Adams, Susan B. Anthony, and Sojourner Truth.” So much easier that way.

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