The Silicon Valley Voice

Power To Your Voice

Just the Facts

There’s been a lot of discussion about our publication last week. We’ve received some “Thank You” and a few “How Dare You” calls. But, nobody has shown any evidence or proven that any statements we published in print were not factual.

  • Fact: There has been no proof that BLUPAC has been funded by the San Francisco 49ers. Documents available to date show no 49ers money. If that changes, the Weekly will report it.
  • Fact: Either Patricia Mahan is a lobbyist or she is not. Ms. Mahan indicates she is an attorney representing a client. Debi Davis, a current council candidate and Chair of the Ethics committee says Mahan is a lobbyist. If this is true, one should assume, logically, that the Chair of that Ethics committee would know better than to vacation with a lobbyist and more importantly attend a city council meeting remotely from the “lobbyist’s” vacation home and not report that trip as a gift.
  • Fact: A Political Action Committee (PAC) does not have to ask permission to endorse a candidate in any election for any city. Some candidates for our City Council have asked to be removed from the BLUPAC endorsement.
  • Fact: The SCPOA association mailers have been mostly funded by two large developers. If BLUPAC money is “dark money” because it doesn’t come from Santa Clara or because it is assumed that it comes from a Santa Clara big business, aka the 49ers, shouldn’t some of the SCPOA donations be considered “dark” as well for the same reason? Why would developers be spending money on the Santa Clara election if they didn’t feel it would benefit them?
  • Mayor Gillmor stated in the SCPOA mailer that the “District Attorney is “conducting a criminal investigation.” Fact: The Weekly spoke with the District Attorney and that statement by Mayor Gillmor is not true.
  • The Mlnarik Law firm filed a complaint with the FPPC against four City Council Candidates, an unregistered Santa Clara organization and the PAO. Parts of the complaints concern a political consultant for Related Companies – Jude Barry. Barry is quoted in another publication calling “ Mlnarik’s accusations “BS,”(actual word used omitted) adding that he is not working on any of the campaigns “in any way shape or form.” Fact: You can look at the calendar of a current council member running for reelection and see that Barry indeed met with her on July 5th – meeting titled “Santa Clara Elections. ”Why would a political consultant for City Place Santa Clara, who doesn’t live in Santa Clara, be interested in the outcome of our City Council elections?
  • Fact: Sometimes the truth, no matter how revealing, is painful.

There have been some rumors circulating around Santa Clara that the Weekly doesn’t publish letters in favor of certain candidates. Fact: The Weekly publishes every letter to the Editor that is received. Our guidelines are:

  • Letters should not exceed 150 words. If letters come in much over 150 words a reply is sent asking for the letter to be resubmitted closer to the word count guidelines. If those letters are resubmitted, they are published.
  • All letters to the editor must include a name and phone number for verification purposes.
  • We will not publish anonymous letters and websites listed in letters will be removed.
  • Our email address is and has been for over 25 years. It is listed at the top of every page of our publication. If a letter to the editor has been sent to any other email address, chances are it didn’t get to the editor.
  • We encourage and welcome your letters and opinions.
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