The Silicon Valley Voice

Power To Your Voice

July 4 Fireworks Get the Red Pencil

A tight budget means that no “rockets’ red glare” will light up the Santa Clara sky at this year’s July 4 city picnic.

“It’s not just the cost of fireworks,” Deputy City Manager Carol McCarthy explained last week to the City Council. “It’s a staffing issue. We don’t have sufficient funds to hire staffing for event.” That cost is about $65,000 according to McCarthy.

Last year a group raised private money for the 2010 fireworks, but donations didn’t come near to covering the cost. Despite that history, Council Member Lisa Gillmor pressed the issue at the March 29 Council meeting. “It’s so very important,” Gillmor said. “If we could find private donations to do it, I would like to try.”


Mayor Jamie Matthews reminded the council that members shouldn’t be engaged in community fundraising and that the City cannot accept donations from any business or individual currently doing business with the City.

The Council passed a unanimous motion to revisit the issue on April 29 – as might be expected for something requiring absolutely nothing of anybody except grandstanding.

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