The Silicon Valley Voice

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City Council Roundup

Roll Call

All Council Members were present.

Approval of Minutes

The minutes from the City Council meeting of February 8 were unanimously approved.


  • Approval to add an item under Reports for Council Action regarding the proposed changes to the 408 area code.

    This came to the Council after the agenda was published, and action was required by the Council before the next Council meeting, the item was placed on the agenda as Item 12c.

    Additionally, the following items were moved from Unfinished Business to Public Hearing:

    • 6B regarding SB211 was moved to become 8D
    • 6C also regarding consideration of SB211 was moved to become 8E
    • 6G a zoning ordinance regarding non-industrial uses was moved to become 8F.

Unfinished Business

  • Possible Reconsideration of Actions Taken at Immediately Preceding Meeting. (See Summary of Actions for potential reconsideration, which is attached to the posted Agenda and is in the Agenda Packet Binder in the Council Chambers.)
  • Adoption of Ordinance No. 1875 adopting Amendment No. 4 to the Redevelopment Plan for the University Project Area which extends the effectiveness of the Redevelopment Plan, extends the associated time to collect tax increment repayment of debt resulting from the Project Area and allows for an additional year for the repayment of debts. Council Member Gillmor asked if she should recuse herself because of the location of her office but the Assistant City Attorney indicated that City Staff had checked and her office was far enough away.

    The Council voted unanimously to adopt Ordinance No 1875.

  • Adoption of Ordinance No. 1876 adopting Amendment No. 24 to the Redevelopment Plan for the Bayshore North Project Area which extends the effectiveness of the Redevelopment Plan, extends the associated time to collect tax increment repayment of debt resulting from the project area and allows for an additional year for the repayment of debts.

    The Council voted unanimously to adopt Ordinance No. 1876.

  • Adoption of an Emergency Ordinance extending a moratorium on uses not normally permitted in the industrial zoning districts (MP, ML, MH).

    The Council voted 5-2 to note and file the request for an extension on the moratorium with Council Members Kennedy and McLeod voting against.

  • Status of Federal Climate Change Legislation and Regulations.
    The Council voted 6-1 with Council Member McLeod voting against to direct the City Manager to monitor pending Federal legislation regarding the delay of proposed Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) regulation of carbon emissions and to continue to work with the American Public Power Association, Northern California Power Agency and the California Municipal Utilities Association in support of effective climate change and regulations aimed at the reduction of green house gases.

Consent Calendar

[Items listed on the CONSENT CALENDAR are considered routine and will be adopted by one motion. There will be no separate discussion of the items on the CONSENT CALENDAR unless discussion is requested by a member of the Council, staff, or public. If so requested, that item will be removed from the CONSENT CALENDAR and considered under CONSENT ITEMS PULLED FOR DISCUSSION.]

Council Member McLeod asked that Items 7A6 and 7A12 be pulled for discussion. Acting City Manager, Carol McCarthy, stated staff had a replacement agenda item report for Item 7A10 to add a new Title 6.

The rest of the Consent Calendar passed unanimously.

Items Set For Hearing

  • Allocation of Fiscal Year 2011-12 Annual Plan for Community Development Block Grant (CDBG) and Home Investment Partnerships Act (HOME) Federal Entitlement Funds.

    The Council voted unanimously to approve the allocation.

  • Adoption of a Resolution approving a time extension for Planned Development (PD) Zoning for the property located at 2350 Mission College Boulevard, subject to conditions, to allow development of an office/retail project (PLN2010-08487).

    The Council voted unanimously to adopt resolution No. 11-7834.

  • Adoption of a Resolution approving a rezone of the property located at 1420 Lafayette Street from R1-6L Single Family (R1-6L) to Planned Development (PD), subject to conditions (PLN2010-08411).

    The Council voted unanimously, with Council Member Gillmor abstaining and leaving the dais as she owns property on Lewis Street, to adopt resolution No. 11-7835.

  • Adoption of an Emergency Ordinance adopting Amendment No. 23 to the Redevelopment Plan for the Bayshore North Project Area to eliminate the Debt Incurrence Time Limit (SB 211 Amendment) to allow the issuance of bonds in support of the construction of a professional football stadium and other City infrastructure improvements in the Bayshore North Project Area.

    The Council voted unanimously to adopt the Amendment No. 23

  • Adoption of Ordinance No. 1874 adopting Amendment No. 23 to the Redevelopment Plan for the Bayshore North Project Area to eliminate the Debt Incurrence Time Limit (SB 211 Amendment) to allow the issuance of bonds in support of the construction of a professional football stadium and other City infrastructure improvements in the Bayshore North Project Area.

    The Council voted unanimously to adopt ordinance No 1874.

  • Pass to print an Ordinance amending Title 18 (Zoning) of the City Code to allow non-industrial uses in industrial zoning districts in exception areas with a conditional use permit and to lift the moratorium on such uses once the Ordinance amendment is effective.

    The Council voted 5-2, with Council Members Kennedy and McLeod voting against, to disapprove the Planning Commission’s recommendation and, by Council consensus, referred researching other alternatives for church assembly uses to the Planning Commission.

Consent Items Pulled for Discussion

Items 7A6 and 7A12 both involved water. The Council voted unanimously to approve both.


Reports for Council Action

  • Approval of estimated revenue and appropriations, in an amount not to exceed $44,180 and $150,000, for the Transportation and Development Act (TDA) Article 3 Fiscal Year 2010-11 grant funds.

    The Council voted unanimously to approve.

  • Approval of a transfer from the Recycled Water Utility Capital Fund – Recycled Water Distribution System Phase III project, in the amount of $1,011,000, to the Recycled Water Distribution Group 4 project.

    The Council voted unanimously to approve.

  • Authorization to submit written comments to the California Public Utilities Commission (CPUC) presenting the City’s preferred alternative for the proposed change to the 408 area code as the Overlay plan allowing existing residents and businesses in the City to keep their 408 area code but adopt a 669 area code for new phone numbers issued within the area.

    The Council voted unanimously to approve.

Closed Session Matters

Set March 29, 2011 at 6 pm for a Closed Session in the Council Conference Room for a Conference with Real Property Negotiator pursuant to Government Code Section 54956.8; Property: APN 104-43-051, APN 104-43-052, APN 104-43-030, APN 104-42-014 and APN 104-42-019; Negotiating Party(ies): Cedar Fair and the San Francisco 49ers; City Negotiator: Jennifer Sparacino, City Manager (or her designee); Under Negotiation: Purchase/Sale/Exchange/Lease of Real Property (provisions, price and terms of payment).


  • The Council voted unanimously to adjourn to Tuesday evening, March 29 at 6 pm for a Closed Session in the Council Conference Room and to 7 pm for the regular scheduled meeting in the City Hall Council Chambers.

The next City Council meeting will be held on March 29, 2011.

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