The Silicon Valley Voice

Power To Your Voice

City Commissions: Public Service and Personal Growth

City Commissions: Public Service and Personal Growth

The Santa Clara City Council relies on several volunteer Boards and Commissions to consider and vet important public policies. There are currently openings on two of those bodies: the Civil Service Commission and the Parks and Recreation Commission. The deadline for the receipt of applications is May 23 at 5 p.m. at the City Clerk’s Office.

The Civil Service Commission handles issues related to municipal employees, ensuring fairness to both staff members and the public. The Parks and Recreation Commission covers the City’s extensive recreational opportunities, as well as events such as the annual Arts and Wine Festival. The commissions meet once per month, on a weekday evening and are supported by staff liaisons.

Commissioners are respected members of the community and their service is a vital element in the democratic process. However, serving on a board and commission doesn’t just benefit your City and your neighbors. It is an excellent way to build camaraderie with other engaged citizens, enhance your public speaking and critical thinking skills, and of course adds an excellent point to your professional and personal resume.


If you are interested in applying, visit and click the application link to the left of the screen. If you’d rather fill out a paper copy, you can print the application, pick one up at the City Clerk’s Office, or contact them to have one sent to you.

Remember to submit your application by May 23 at 5 p.m., to the City Clerk’s office at 1500 Warburton Ave., Santa Clara, 95050 or to Call the City Clerk’s Office at (408) 615-2220 if you would like additional information.


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