
Letter from James Rowen

The sadness of the stadium saga is not that there is still opposition to the…

Brave / Rated PG for rude humor and scary snarling

The original title of Brave was The Bear and the Bow. Why did they change…


The Cinnamon Bun Solution

If you're wondering why your workdays are so miserable, I have the answer. The problem…

Letter from Ken McAlister

Re: Senior Tax Exemption June 20, 2012 issue Perhaps unintentional, but the statement "Though voters…

Letter from James Rowen

Miles is correct when he points out that Ina Bendis and Christine Kolterman are both…

Letter from Ed Garcia

I purchased a brick for the S.C. Veterans Memorial a few years ago. I am…

Letter from Anne Bays

My Trip in the Park On Wednesday night, 6-20-12, my husband and I went to…

Abraham Lincoln: Vampire Hunter / Rated R for bloody scenes of horror and death. All for fun of course.

In the early days of our country, before it was a country, can you imagine…

Out of Work, but Not Out of Luck

It's funny, but some people think that in order to get a job, you have…


Third Man on the Mountain / Not rated but would be G. It’s a Disney film from 1959. What else could it be? Part 2 of 2

In Third Man on the Mountain Disney brings to the screen a fictional telling of…