
Letter From Steve Van Dorn

The Santa Clara Chamber of Commerce and Convention-Visitors Bureau applauds the decision by the Santa…

The Return of Cinerama/Previews only rated BG for Big Screen and Good for all viewers

In September 2012, the Cinerama 3 Screen process celebrated its 60th anniversary. One of the…


Fit to Be Tied

Great news! Just when you thought your job couldn't possibly get any worse, corporate America…

Letter From Rivermark resident

The resolution of the funding for the Northside Library couldn't have come at a better…

Letter From Dave Stone

The idea of eliminating two lanes on Pruneridge Ave to add a bike lane has…

Letter From Margie Slivinske

March 26th city council meeting, a request was made by residents of the "Hilmar Neighborhood"…

G.I. Joe: Retaliation/Rated PG-13 for violence, martial arts and some kissing but not at the same time

GIJR is a sequel to G.I. Joe: The Rise of Cobra from 2009.  In the…

Odd Jobs

Here's a question: A penguin walks through the door right now wearing a sombrero. What…

Olympus Has Fallen/Rated R for horrific violence and regular violence. There is also mild violence. You’ve been warned.

Olympus Has Fallen is the story of a terrorist raid that takes over the White…



It's bad enough that your company controls what you do when you're at work. Now…