
Oblivion/Rated PG-13 for violence, mean drones, kissing and skinny dipping.

When Bill O'Reilly announces his retirement in 2118 to pursue his main hobby, fishing, he…

Hello, I Must Be Going

Now I've seen everything! In a recent issue of The Wall Street Journal, Joann S.…


Letter From Barbara Stahl

I wanted to publicly thank the Emergency Response team and also one of the city…

Letter From Anna Koster

I enjoyed reading the inspiring story about the Stephens family and their plan to install…

Too Good for Your Own Good

You are a wonderful person! If no one at work has told you that recently,…

Scary MoVie/Rated PG-13 for sex, partial nudity, violence, blood, gore, bad acting, bad jokes, kind of like the first four in the series

Scary MoVie (a.k.a. Scary Movie 5) starts out with a scene featuring Charlie Sheen and…

Letter From Mohammed NADEEM

Our hearts go out to the victims of the Boston area families and friends. Senseless…

Letter From Steve Van Dorn

The Santa Clara Chamber of Commerce and Convention-Visitors Bureau applauds the decision by the Santa…

The Return of Cinerama/Previews only rated BG for Big Screen and Good for all viewers

In September 2012, the Cinerama 3 Screen process celebrated its 60th anniversary. One of the…


Fit to Be Tied

Great news! Just when you thought your job couldn't possibly get any worse, corporate America…