Parent: “What do you say?”
Child: “Please.”
Parent: “What do you say now?”
Child: “Thank you.”
“Please” and “thank you” are the three first and most important polite words every child learns. And Santa Clara University Liberal Studies major Anna Menges learned her childhood lesson well. She recently handmade 150 thank you cards to show her appreciation to Santa Clara Police Department (SCPD) officers for their service to the community.
“In my classes, we talk about police officers in the news. Many of the stories have a negative slant,” Menges said. “I know there is so much more to their job than is portrayed in the news and wanted to say, ‘Thank you.'”
The timing of her thank you cards was perfect. The officers, commanders and staff received them two weeks before National Police Week May 15 – 21, which was established in 1962 by President John F. Kennedy as a time to honor America’s law enforcement community and give special recognition to officers who have lost their lives in the line of duty.
Menges’ cards are made of red, white and blue construction paper and decorated with ribbon, glittery stars and flags. Each card reads, “Dear Officer, You protect & serve & make us safer by your unselfish duty. Thank you for all you do. Sincerely, A grateful citizen.”
“It made me feel good to get a card. It makes it more special when you don’t know it’s coming, when it comes when you’re least expecting it,” said SCPD Sgt. Tyson Shearer. “It’s uplifting. It cheers up your day, especially if you’ve been on a traumatic call.”
“I am not sure Anna realizes the impact of her notes,” said Chief Michael J. Sellers. “This is what it is all about! I am proud to be part of such a wonderful community and a member of the Santa Clara Police Department.”
Notes from appreciative citizens are displayed at police headquarters for all SCPD employees to view. Some of Menges’ notes ended up on desk tops at headquarters.
“It’s good to see that people support us and are here for us through good and bad times,” said Shearer, adding, “Sometimes they wave to show support.”
SCPD commendations, inquiries and complaint forms are available online at www.santaclaraca.gov/government/departments/police-department/about-us/commendations-inquiries-or-complaints. They can be submitted via email, U.S. mail or in person at the SCPD, 601 El Camino Real.