The Silicon Valley Voice

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$136,912 in Santa Clara County Unclaimed Monies

The County of Santa Clara Department of Tax and Collections (DTAC) published a list of 222 individuals and businesses who are potential owners of $136,912 in unclaimed general collections monies. Potential owners who qualify for these monies must file claims by December 9, 2022. The list of names and claim forms can be found on the county’s website. The list includes monies that have been on deposit with the County’s General Collections Trust Funds for longer than three years.

DTAC is the central collection agency for the County of Santa Clara. It collects public assistance overpayments, fines, fees, penalty assessments, and restitution due to victims of crime provided by County departments and the Superior Court of California. The unclaimed monies come from overpayments, duplicate payments, adjustment of charges, payments to victims who cannot be located, victims who refused the monies or are out of business and a variety of other reasons.

The Department made attempts to locate the payees without success. Some of these monies have been in the County’s trust funds for more than 10 years due to continued efforts to refund the owners. However, the department received no acknowledgments, letters were returned, checks remained uncashed, or payees refused the funds.


“If an individual or business believes they might be owners of unclaimed money, we encourage them to file a claim so we can get these funds back to the rightful owners,” said Margarita Rodriguez, Director, Department of Tax and Collections. “We are making another effort to reach people on the published list.”

Process for the Submitting a Claim

Individuals and business owners can see if they are on the list of unclaimed monies by going to If people or owners of businesses believe they may be due funds based on the published names, they are encouraged to submit their claim form online or by mail.

When a claim form is submitted, it requires a name, address, amount of claim, account number, and a copy of a valid ID and/or other supporting documents to the claim. All claims must be filed by December 9, 2022. After the deadline, unclaimed monies in the General Collections Trust Funds will be transferred to the County funds as allowed.

For questions, contact DTAC’s Fiscal Services Division at (408) 326-1007 or email.

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