Silicon Valley Voice

Peninsula Youth Theatre’s Au Cabaret Fundraiser Gala Supports Youth Arts

Peninsula Youth Theatre (PYT) held its annual Au Cabaret, a spectacular gala event in support…

South Bay Student Finds Future Career Through Volunteering

Proving that sometimes your future career chooses you, Humane Society Silicon Valley (HSSV) volunteer Julia…


A Look at Fresh Lifelines for Youth, a 49ers Legacy Program

When you think of the San Francisco 49ers, you often think about the football team…

Kaiser Makes $50K Donation to Help Gilroy Grief Victims

Bill Wilson Center (BWC), a local leader in homeless services for youth and young families,…

Bold and Beautiful Alliums for Every Garden

Short or tall, big or small, ornamental alliums are a treat for flower gardeners and…

Sunnyvale’s Community Award Winners Recognized During State of the City Celebration

After Sunnyvale Mayor Larry Klein gave his Sept. 14 State of the City address on…

Looking Back: Santa Clara Headlines From September 18

100 Years Ago: Santa Clara News (September 19, 1919) Chamber of Commerce Booster Issue: Santa…

Santa Clara Unified High Schoolers Encouraged to Apply for Triton Museum Scholarship

In keeping with its mission of educating, promoting art and serving as a community resource,…

Mission Chamber Orchestra Shines a Clear Light on a Neglected Composer

The opening concert of Mission Chamber Orchestra's 23rd season this Saturday night is one of special…


Vintage Electric: Electrifying Fun on Two Wheels

Updating early 20th century bicycle styles to modern, sleek modes of transportation, Santa Clara’s Vintage…