The Old Guard Takes a Hit – Letter to the Editor

Finally, the disruptive, demonizing, and dishonest old guard represented by Mayor Gillmor and Councilmember Watanabe has taken a hit. There is no question that the City Attorney was pompous, rude, and particularly treated this new council with utter disdain and disrespect. It’s a good sign to see strong council leadership for a change instead of the junior-high click mentality that the Mayor has cultivated since she took office. This decision is in the best interest of the City that now hopefully can move forward with a new city attorney that works with council instead of against it.

These five council members have finally put Santa Clara first. In fact, this bogus political argument about the council doing the 49ers bidding is being pushed for political gain only. Mayor supporters are upset that they now have a competing political PAC in the city instead of inclusive total domination over city policy. The fact is Mayor Gillmor was a primary advocate for bringing the 49ers to Santa Clara.



Audrey B.