Santa Clara City Budget – Letter to the Editor

The WEEKLY reported that the City of Santa Clara is facing budget issues for various reasons.  A few weeks ago, Santa Clara sent out the city’s  “INSIDE” newsletter that is now printed on glossy paper with full color pages.  I retired from a manufacturing company and am fully aware that documents on glossy paper with full color sections are considerably more expensive to print than standard newsprint or plain paper.  The WEEKLY does a great job communicating information on standard newsprint paper using black ink and a few color photos.  It is not necessary for Santa Clara to spend the extra money for a newsletter that will simply thrown away after it is read.  Is it pretty? Yes.  Does it communicate information in a better way?  No.  Santa Clara needs to look at simple cost cutting measures and get away from trying to be glitzing when it serves no purpose.



Winnie Sloan, Santa Clara Resident