Measure C – Letter to the Editor

RE The City Attorney’s Measure C analysis: Impartial by whose opinion? Yes means: we change the charter to allow 3 districts٫ get sued again costing millions٫ lose the lawsuit٫ change the charter again to comply with court ordered 6 districts.

No does not mean going back to the old city wide at large seats. It means: change the charter to the court ordered 6 districts or get sued again٫ losing again costing millions٫ when the city has already run a 6 district election in 2018 & 2020.

How many times does the city need to be hit in the head and pocketbook?? See the nice political piece the city put out (taxpayer money?).


How transparent. It was sent to registered Democrats, but we are homeowners who are registered Republican and didn’t receive the same expensive mailer. I wonder why (we all have voted in all past elections).

It was bad enough this “impartial” analysis was in the voter guide٫ but I wonder how much the city paid for this high gloss political piece. That’s OK, the taxpayer doesn’t mind the cost compared to the lost lawsuits.


Dave Delozier

Former Councilman