Letter to the Editor by Rob Jerdonek

The biggest proponent on the city council for bringing Commercial Marijuana to Santa Clara was the one who is no longer there.  Without Dominic Caserta on the council, there is noone to champion this misguided initiative. This is evident in the latest news.  One year ago, the city had placed a temporary ban on all commercial marijuana in our city. The ban is set to expire on Jan. 1, 2019.  In the latest tentative agenda calendar, we see that, for the Nov. 13 council meeting, they plan to extend the ban to at least March 31, 2019.   The support for this initiative is taking one step backward. The opposition is being heard. The support is crumbling. Regardless of the outcome of Measure M, the current ban should be made permanent, as it is in the majority of cities in our county and more than two-thirds of California cities.


Rob Jerdonek

Santa Clara