Letter to the Editor by Michael Jones


Like a mortgage, bonds are debt which must be repaid. School bonds are paid back through increased property taxes. SCUSD’s $720,000,000 Measure BB bond plus interest will cost us $1,448,000,000. We’re still paying off four prior SCUSD bonds, including $819,000,000 added just since 2004. Measure BB will be the 5th SCUSD bond – and the 18th extra assessment – added to our property taxes. All of this debt will pass on to the next generation, making it harder for our children to remain in Santa Clara.

There are no protections from the Measure BB property tax increase for anyone, regardless of ability to pay. Homeowners’ tax bills will rise by $50 per $100,000 of assessed value. Already high rents will increase as landlords pass their Measure BB tax increase on to their tenants.


Please Vote ‘No’ on Measure BB, found at the end of your ballot.


Michael Jones