Letter From Vilma Kennedy Pallette

At first when I received the City of Santa Clara Calendar & 2012 Report, I set it aside for a later “quick perusal.” Today I took the time to flip through, only to find that I repeatedly felt compelled to read each month’s entry. It is a treasure, attractively and articulately proffered with a ton of new and interesting information.

Thanks to the high caliber information piece, I am re-motivated to explore the state-of-the-art Senior Center, delighted to read of the new Northside Branch Library, amazed re: Ulistac Natural Area (and the joyous news that volunteers committed massively to it), grateful for the colorful and uncomplicated graphics re: City Budget 2012-13. All of this is just a partial listing of the many positives of this report.

Duty to read some of the report morphed into my nailing the calendar to the door that I exit multiple times each day, so that I will really become better informed each month. Thanks for the challenge!