Letter From Rufino Vargas

Due to the mismanagement of the city house and rental policies, I and the entire neighborhood of El Captain and Sheraton Dr., in Santa Clara, were affected by the parking spill-over coming from nearby renters. As a result, we couldn’t even have room to place our garbage and recyclable cans and they would even block the vital access to the fire hydrant. Through the joint effort of neighbors, the city was compelled to place signs regulating street parking. The residents were given free of charge temporary parking permits. And guess what, due to the efficient enforcement of our police department, the parking problem was resolved. When the temporary permits expired, the city council unexpectedly imposed a 21 dollar fee for each renewal. I think this strategy is misguided, unjust and unfair, for several reasons. The City has embarked in an uncontrollable housing development, which invariably caused traffic and parking problems. What used to be designated as a single-family home, now is multifamily one with more cars. The astronomical housing prices and high rents, have dramatically changed our demographics and lifestyle. Garages are transformed into storage rooms, forcing residents to park on the street. Now is it right for our mayor and city council to force our tax paying citizens, to pay for what is inherently theirs. Developers should be the ones to assume the responsibility of providing the appropriate and necessary parking facilities, not the citizens of Santa Clara. Please help us maintain the good quality of life, that this City has been known for and widely recognized as such.