Letter From Peggy Parkin

Jamie Mathews is an honorable, well-respected, sincere, approachable, ‘hands on’ professional leader as Mayor; our City Council/City Staff members are extraordinary as well. They are well educated, dedicated to their work for the welfare of Santa Clara.. If citizens of the opposition would have attended City Council meetings throughout, listened to our Council, asked questions during the session or asked a Council member afterwards, there would have been a broader knowledge, understanding gained.

At the January meeting last month our Mayor, City Council, City Manager, City Attorney, answered all questions forthright. The Council encourages participation. The Council meetings are also televised. There is nothing arrogant about Mayor Matthews, or our Council, as has been written by the opposition.

Hopefully, in time, the opposition will realize all the needed revenue received through the 49er Stadium is good for our city. As a citizen of thirty-six years I am proud to have our present leaders in office.