Letter From Kathy Watanabe

As an active SCUSD parent, I write confidently about my concerns regarding the current state of SCUSD and the future of education if voters don’t get involved before Election Day.

Many superintendents and principals have left SCUSD due to the micromanaging of certain school board trustees. Now there is just concern that teachers will leave if the status quo doesn’t change in the upcoming election.

Some of these trustees are up for re-election and have done nothing in the last 4 to 8 years. They have wasted time and taxpayer money on their personal agendas instead of education. Our district has suffered as a result.


As a voter you have the right to ask questions like so many other parents and residents are now doing. You have the opportunity to hear for yourself at the School Board Candidates Forum on Thursday, October 2, at 7 PM at the Mission City Performing Arts Center, 3250 Monroe Street.