Letter from Jose Haro

I am enthusiastically supporting Dominic Caserta to the City Council, seat #5 because I know Dominic extremely well. I have taken three classes from Dominic over the last year.

Simply stated, Dominic is the best teacher I have ever had. He passionately teaches us daily with energy, power, and expertise that excites his students. He instills in us a sense of civic duty and service to our community. He has convinced me that I have a voice and that I can make a difference. He inspires me to service.

This is why I am so excited that he is running for our City Council. We need leaders who passionately inspire young people and I know firsthand that Dominic does that as a Santa Clara teacher.


Please consider joining me in supporting the best teacher I have ever had, Dominic Caserta, to the Santa Clara City Council, seat #5.