Letter From John Azevedo

The ugliness of politics that can be seen and heard every day in the current presidential campaign has found its way into our own beautiful city’s politics. James Rowen, in his letter to the WEEKLY referencing a local candidate, chose to use the same old inflammatory language (slime, racist, political groping), that can be found on any far Left or far right website.

I would like to think we are better than that. Open discussion of political differences can be healthy and we learn when opposing opinions are exchanged. However, when bitter language and hate speech becomes part of the commentary, the message gets lost in the mud.

This country needs to turn away from the bitter opposition and hateful rhetoric that has grown, not only into our nations politics but, also into our differences on many social issues. The three “B”s in an exchange of opinions should include: Be honest, Be willing to listen to opposing ideas and most of all, BE CIVIL.


It would be nice if the healing could begin right here in our own wonderful little community.