Letter from Joe Kornder

Scott Herhold (San Jose Mercury) and Miles Barber (Santa Clara Weekly) are right – Santa Clara Unified School District is facing an extraordinary situation: a small but powerful army of current and former educators is fighting to keep a candidate, Christopher Stampolis, from election to the SCUSD Board. They feel his presence would be detrimental to the Board and to the district.

This army, Herhold’s “big guns,” includes four former SCUSD Superintendents, two former West Valley Mission Community College Chancellors and six current Trustees. Together they are a group as respected as they are devoted to our district’s mission. They know Stampolis’ record and tactics well. Their involvement in this effort to save our district is truly remarkable, heartfelt, and unprecedented.

This is not just their fight. The education of our children affects us all and deserves the attention and support of our staff, our parents, our community


Elect Board members who are driven by selflessness, who will value the effort of colleagues and staff, who will work together.

Please do not vote for Christopher Stampolis