Letter From Don Herbelin

You can “catch” a glimpse of Levi Stadium from just about anywhere in Santa Clara; but your eyes don’t have to go far to see an unattended, empty, abandoned shopping cart in Santa Clara.

From the university along El Camino to Lawrence Expressway, the peripheral roads are littered with shopping carts. I am sure the city administration and staff take great pride in the stadium. Do they also take great pride in the unattended shopping carts?

Now that the emphasis of major construction has shifted from north of 101 to the core areas n the city, why not concentrate on the existing crumbling infrastructure in the city; roads, tree trimming, unsightly trash on roads, sidewalks, unkempt store fronts, and yes, shopping carts.


One would think the city would like to be known for its image of progressiveness and positive altruistic intentions.