Letter from Anna Strauss

I would like to encourage those who live within Santa Clara Unified School District boundaries to attend a School Board meeting and see how our children’s futures are being handled. Since the arrival of Dr. Bendis to the School Board, School Board meetings have spiraled into a circus side-show and the business of providing the best education for all students has taken a backseat. Miles Barber highlighted some of Board Member Bendis’ antics. Harder to articulate, however, is the overall climate that now pervades at board meetings and throughout the whole district. Her disrespect for our Superintendent, District Office staff, and school site administrators is apparent, as is her disregard for processes and procedures. Dr. Bendis is more concerned about her rights and status as a board member than about the core responsibilities of her elected office. Don’t take my word for it. You can see for yourself. Come one come all.