El Camino Real – Letter to the Editor

These people have lost their minds! To Spend the kind of money on rebuilding El Camino Real and removing the very few parking spaces in front of these senior citizens apartment complexes is nuts! I’m 62 years old, live right between Kiely and San Thomas.  I have extreme arthritis in my LEGS, and ride a scooter in the BIKE lanes. I have no trouble what so ever with taking public transportation. The only place the sidewalks ever get congested is the very few times it happens at the bus stops.

The senior citizen apartments has 2 places out front that is expected to be adequate for this huge populations friends and relatives to share. These people are lonely enough without their “help”!

What is this government thinking?


To spend this kind of money fixing something that is not broken and increasing the crime rate populating this place even more than it already is, is lunacy. When you consider how many police, firefighters and other first responders can’t afford to be paid. Am I missing something? Can someone show me that I’m wrong? I don’t think so but, I’ll listen.