Re: Milestones Thank you for recent article in Santa Clara Weekly regarding the Fed Govt. “Jobs Bill”. You make excellent sense and bring clarity to muddled federal policy that will bring our country further down the drain if not stopped. Let’s hope that the American voter wakes up and...
Thank you, Miles, for putting so many aspects of my personal and political philosophy into print! I wish our local paper would...
A few quotes from years gone by: San Jose Mercury mid-70s Memorex President Robert C. Wilson stated: “The vast and growing group...
Writer, producer, director Larry Blamire’s latest film (2009) is a low budget, black and white comedy thriller. LB makes movies for little...
What’s the easiest way to get fired? You could tell your managers what you really think of their policies and personalities, or...
Moneyball / Rated PG-13 for language and violent tossing around of items during temper tantrums in dugouts and locker rooms.
Moneyball is a baseball movie. Unlike other baseball movies this one has very little baseball on screen. It is about the business...
Do you ever have doubts about your ability to deliver? Do you never give up until you reach your goal? Do you...
If you decide to make a movie it is best to have a story deserving of the honor. If you have a...
I know! You don’t get the respect or the money you deserve. But thanks to Marsha Friedman, you can get the fame...
Re: Charter Review Committee Off and… Plodding Aside from the obvious bias against PR (only criticisms of the various systems are given,...