
Casa de Mi Padre / Rated R for language, sex, nudity, violence, drug use, cheap sets, a bad script and bad acting.

First off, and before you even consider seeing CDMP, you must keep in mind this…

Fat at Work and Loving It

Hello there! Didn't hear you come in. I was wrapped up in the latest issue…


Letter From Chris Smith

With the kickoff of the Measure A campaign for our schools, I now recall the…

Letter From James Rowen

I believe it is noble to speak about funding programs for youth and seniors. That…

Letter From Rich Solis

Why do our kids have to pay the price for budget deficits caused by mismanagement…

Letter From Lidia Blair

Thank you, Santa Clara! I applaud Mayor Mathews and the City Council for the great…


While this winter was unseasonably warm and dry, fooling even the lovely flowers into pushing…

John Carter / Rated PG-13 for language, violence, incomprehensible plot elements and bad acting all around.

Made for about 250 million bucks plus (reputed to take the U.S. Government no more…

49ers Stadium: Some Say Diverse Bay Area Will Reap Benefits of New Stadium, Bring Huge Revenues to City

While it has been stated publicly that the 49ers' new stadium in Santa Clara would…


Meeting the Challenge of Meetings

I want to have a meeting to discuss the sad state of meetings. Every time…