
Letter From Rich Solis

With the flip of a switch, our city council has started a process that will…

Star Trek II: The Wrath of Khan Blu-ray Edition/Rated PG for yelling, and sci-fi scares

With the recent release of Star Trek Into Darkness, I recommend that if you have…


The Sweet Stench of Success

Really! I don't know why they didn't ask you. When Inc.com wanted to know the…

Letter From Vilma Pallette

Sharon Noguchi's fine but distressing article today (SJ Mercury News) re: the mess that is…

Letter from Kathy Watanabe

If you are a voter in Santa Clara, you are a stakeholder in Santa Clara…

Letter From Emily Adorable

Voters in the Santa Clara Unified School District should be wondering why the superintendent, two…

Fired Up

For some people, it's difficult to get hired. For you, it's difficult to get fired.…

Americans on Everest/Not rated but would be G or good for all

During the last couple of weeks of May, during the height of the Himalayan climbing…

Letter From James Rowen

Measure J passed overwhelmingly by the Santa Clara voters over three years ago. The matter…


Letter From Brian Russell

In answer to Santa Clara’s Levi Stadium to Host Golden Jubilee of Super Bowl The…