
Letter From Stephanie Munoz

It's surprising that somebody who writes for a newspaper has had such a narrow life…

12 Years A Slave/Rated R For Sex, Nudity, Whippings, Beatings, Kidnapping and Then More Beatings.

Moviemakers trot out the subject of American slavery, and the always appalling mistreatment of one…


Honest Lying for Beginners

To be honest, anyone who starts a sentence with the words, "to be honest," probably…

Underwhelmed With Overtime

Let me ask you a question: How many hours will you work today? This isn't…

Jack Ryan: Shadow Recruit/Rated PG-13 for violence, sex, bad language in two languages, smoking, drug use and money laundering in two currencies.

The late Tom Clancy created the fictional character Jack Ryan, who first appeared in the…

Letter From Rick Mauck

During the 1989 Loma Prieta earthquake most of the City of Santa Clara was blacked…

To Lie or Not to Lie

Is Gov. Chris Christie lying when he says he had absolutely no personal involvement with…

Focus on Santa Clara Spotlights Developers’ Plans in Santa Clara

With a number of major developments underway or in the planning stages, Focus on Santa…


American Hustle/Rated R For Language, Sex, Nudity, Lies And Really Bad Wigs.

American Hustle is the highly touted to win lots of Oscar nominations film about conmen…