
Letter from ArLyne Diamond

After careful research and consideration, I am supporting and recommending you support Dominic Caserta for…

Letter from H Cohen

The two candidates for Santa Clara mayor just visited my residential complex. Both were knowledgeable;…


Letter from Clare Callejon

It is no secret that the Santa Clara Unified School District governing board has been…

Letter from Nick Dellaporta

Our mayor and City Council have accomplished much over the past four years. For example,…

Letter from Sharon Vergho

I am writing on behalf of Mr. Tom Goodson, a 70-year-old resident of Santa Clara…

Gone Girl/Rated R for language, sex, sometimes bloody violence and sometimes sex during bloody violence.

Director David Fincher returns with a film that is going to be Oscar-nominated and talked…

The Office Airbnb

It isn't often that I have a good idea, but when I get one --…

Letter from Kate Grimes

Dear Editor, Month after month, the Santa Clara WEEKLY accurately reports and exposes the desperate…

Letter from Catherine Capati

I am a mom to an 11-year-old boy with autism, writing to support Santa Clara…


Mission City Bowl at Levi’s Stadium Brings Community Together

All streaks eventually are broken. The Undertaker's WrestleMania streak. Cal Ripken, Junior's consecutive games played…