Letters To The Editor

Letter From Nancy Woodward

I am distressed to read that yet another large apartment complex is being considered in…

Letter From Gayle Moore

What is it costing us for the truncated domes that the city is installing on…


Letter from Larry Voytilla

I see that a fellow resident of my city of Mountain View, Gary Wesley, has…

Letter From Craig Larsen

Levi's Stadium Incident Reporting 22 to 30 arrests are made at each Levi's Stadium 49er…

Letter From T. M. Hade

Re 9-9-15 Milestones: I agree with Mr. Barber. This is a bad solution to a…


As an opponent of VTA's plan to seize the left lane in each direction on…

Letter From Randy Blair

Just wanted to say the column written by Miles (July 22 issue, Milestones) about tolerance…

Letter From Marco Galluccio

Mr. Johnstone’s July 22 letter requires several clarifications. Last year was Ro Khanna’s second run…

Letter From Norma Solis

Dear Editor to the Santa Clara Weekly, I want to thank Mayor Jamie Matthews for…


Letter From Ronald B. Johnstone

If you are going to again attempt to elect Ro Khanna, please verify your facts.…