Letters To The Editor

Letter from Alan Eft

At the March Citizens' Advisory Committee (CAC) meeting, two members of Santa Clara were honored:…

Letter From Howard Myers

Devious methods by Measure A supporters Santa Clara’s Measure A is a mail in ballot…


Letter From Alan Eft

In the March 28th issue an article appeared with the title: "Some Say Diverse Bay…

Letter From Rich Solis

If we could only turn back the clock. It seems like every time you turn…

Letter From Chris Smith

With the kickoff of the Measure A campaign for our schools, I now recall the…

Letter From James Rowen

I believe it is noble to speak about funding programs for youth and seniors. That…

Letter From Rich Solis

Why do our kids have to pay the price for budget deficits caused by mismanagement…

Letter From Lidia Blair

Thank you, Santa Clara! I applaud Mayor Mathews and the City Council for the great…

Letter From John Azevedo

t has gotten quite popular for every special interest group attempting to sway public opinion…


Letter From T. M. Hade

I support the "parcel tax proposal" and my wife and I will vote for it.…