
Postal Annex+ Grand Opening at Santa Clara Town Centre

The Grand Opening of the Postal Annex+ Service Center at Santa Clara Town Centre was…

A New Twist on Eating Healthy

The Santa Clara City Library Foundation & Friends, Kaiser Permanente and Fresh Approach kicked off…


Candy Boutique Sugarfina Opens in Santana Row

"We wanted to create a candy store for grownups," begins Rosie O'Neill. "Where grownups can…

Future Doctors get Training at Kaiser Permanente Medical Centers

It is 5:45 a.m. on a recent Monday and Rachel Shelly-Abrahamson, a third-year medical student,…

Self-Proclaimed “Salad Dressing Lady” Sets Up Business in Santa Clara

At your next supermarket trip, if you chat with a woman sharing samples of salad…

KAAJ Healthcare

KAAJ Healthcare, a multi-specialty group based in Santa Clara, is meeting the new era of…

Not on the Label

As the tech rush continues with no end in sight, the name "Silicon Valley" has…

Sara’s Kitchen Celebrates 23 Years

As breakfast and lunch venue Sara's Kitchen celebrates its 23rd anniversary, owner Sara Manion expresses…

Sharing the Loveys with Little Heart Warriors

Melissa Leslie and her husband, Mark Leslie, were comforted by the kindness of strangers at…


JX Cuisine Opens in Santa Clara

Opening up at a location familiar to many, JX Cuisine celebrated their arrival in Santa…